How Rude Bear Resurrection works – Quick Tip

Hey I just wanted to point you in the direction of another article I wrote for gamedevtuts+. It’s how I wrote the leaderboards in Rude Bear Radio, and is responsible for Rude Bear Resurrection’s world mechanics.

Here’s how I make the leaderboards and communicate with them in Unity.

Now, all there are in RBR are three databases:

Corpses: This holds timestamps, x position, y position and death message.
Events: This holds switch numbers, whether they’re enabled or not, and the player’s name.
Winners: This holds the winners name.

When Event 14 is triggered, it wipes events 1-13 and adds it to the Winner list.

At the start, all events cause relevant switches to become unlocked. The last 100 corpses are loaded, and they’re spawned at that x and y position, and given a random orientation 45° around lying on their back.

There’s no filter on any of the words, because I find it amusing to leave it unfiltered. However, the tutorial provides a solution for that too.
