Category: Devlog

  • Rewarding Failure – Super Rude Bear Resurrection

    So, I just unleashed my heartwarming ursine death simulator onto Steam Greenlight.

  • Rude Bear Raid – Postmortem

    So, I just completed my eighth Ludum Dare entry (and fifteenth jam game). In Ludum Dare 28 I won the innovation category with Rude Bear Resurrection. It’s been a bit over a year since then, and I’m due to release the full version on PS4/Xbox One/Steam this year.

  • Migi Osu: Postmortem

    So, this weekend I was exhibiting Super Rude Bear Resurrection at Insomnia53 (UK’s largest LAN party), and ended up making a game for the Indies Vs PewDiePie jam on a whim with a bunch of other exhibitors. The event lasts a few days, so on quieter moments we always find weird ways to entertain ourselves,…

  • Toeing the Line: Getting the most out of events

    (All speech is paraphrased from memory and not directly quoted). Carte D’or It’s June and I’m in an ice cream restaurant in London with Rami Ismail and Mike Bithell. Rami’s just bought an overwhelming amount of fondue.

  • Rude Bear RPG: Postmortem

    So, Insomnia52 just finished and I was exhibiting Super Rude Bear Resurrection there. I love Insomnia, but I was a bit upset to find out it was the same time as Ludum Dare. So whatever – I did both. My game wasn’t as good as usual but I refuse to break my spree.

  • 2D Physics: Analytically Targeted Rigidbody Projectiles

    I frequently get asked when I exhibit Super Rude Bear Resurrection how I managed to get Unity’s physics to actually feel good for a platformer, and I’ve been asked for help on that note. I’m concentrating on development so I don’t really have time at the moment to go back to square one and walk…

  • Rude Bear Revengeance – Post Mortem

    So, Ludum Dare just ended, and as always, I made a Rude Bear game. The big change here is that I had an artist, and I got a couple of musicians on Reddit to help out with the soundtrack. Now, when the theme was announced, I really couldn’t think of any mechanic based on the…

  • Midas Postmortem

    So, Rezzed just passed, and I competed in the game jam in the “wildcard” team that’d never met each other before.

  • How to Make Water for Unity2D – Quick Tip

    Hey guys, I just wrote an article for GameDevTuts+ on how to add flowing water in Unity and integrate it with Unity2D’s physics. It’s what I used for Rude Bear Resurrection, (albeit in that case a basic version because I was low on time). You can check it out here. Enjoy!

  • How Rude Bear Resurrection works – Quick Tip

    Hey I just wanted to point you in the direction of another article I wrote for gamedevtuts+. It’s how I wrote the leaderboards in Rude Bear Radio, and is responsible for Rude Bear Resurrection’s world mechanics. Here’s how I make the leaderboards and communicate with them in Unity.